Red Ensign Group Participation in London International Shipping Week

For the first time in London the collaborative members of the Red Ensign Group (Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Jersey and United Kingdom) will host a large reception for invited guests from the Shipping Industry, on the evening of Wednesday the 9th September to give an opportunity to intermingle and discuss subjects of maritime interest during the London International Shipping Week (LISW).  Being held at the
prestigious London Offices of the International Law firm Ince & Co overlooking Tower Bridge the reception is a high profile event that will bring together many leading ship owners, lawyers, brokers, shipyards, finance houses,
senior politicians and of course the Shipping Registries themselves. The collaborative reception will focus on the underlying theme "Why register ships with the Red Ensign Group"

It is also their intention to support and raise funds for the Mission to Seafarers charity at the reception.  The Group recognize that without Seafarers there would be no sea trade and that the importance of their welfare must not be overlooked.

Members of the Red Ensign Group will be represented at LISW Conference on Thursday 10th where talks will focus on how the maritime industry can be a dynamic engine for economic growth.  The Group will co-host a number of tables at the LISW Gala Dinner and will be present at a number of events throughout the week.

The collaborative Red Ensign Group has expertise across all ship types and sizes and it operates an
extensive network of offices and surveyors.  LISW 2015 offers a great opportunity to bring together the REG collectively in one place and with industry people from all backgrounds and nationalities who have a common interest in shipping to discuss maritime affairs and to promote the strengths and quality of the British Shipping Industry.