Outgoing harbour master Chad Murray thinks it's fitting that one of his last jobs in his current role will be to co-chair the Red Ensign Group's conference in June.
He said: 'When you think of what it does, considering how scattered its members are across the world and how small some of the administration teams running the work in places are, it is remarkable what it is able to achieve. Sometimes we call it a family - families might fall out and argue sometimes, but they also stand together when they face the outside world. As the REG, we can achieve more together than we could as individual members. And that's what makes us special.'
'We look at challenges and the opportunities available to us all and we look at how we can deal with both. Co-chairing this conference, watching, listening, helping to steer the debates and discussions towards a good solution for those opportunities and challenges is both a responsibility and a privilege. Those solutions may not be quick or easy but we will resolve to work them through for the benefit British Shipping for all of us, including of course, us here in Guernsey.'
The Red Ensign Group Conference is being held in Guernsey this June. Representatives of all the members from St Helena, to Cayman Islands to Anguilla and Gibraltar are expected to attend. As host, Guernsey holds the co-chair with the REG secretariat which is based in the Maritime & Coastguard Agency, UK - Sir Alan Massey, chief executive officer will be the other co-chair.